An organic and regenerative agriculture project

When we created Parcela, we were thinking of more than just a restaurant.

We wanted to build a complete and nutritious food and system: one that was cyclical, that produced not only food but life.

YUMMY FOOD that nourishes the soil

Thus, on our plot, we work under organic and regenerative agriculture frameworks, allowing us to create new life and contribute to the diversity of microorganisms in our soil with each planting cycle.

Direct from the earth to the table.

To leave the land

(and the Earth)

better than how we found it

2020 was a year in which millions of people around the world dealt with grief, confinement, and crisis. While that was happening, the need to take care of our physical and mental health became apparent, and the importance of having a harmonious relationship with the environment to achieve these goals started to be increasingly understood.

Improving this relationship with our surroundings involves starting to look for examples on how to do things differently. We need to nurture the soil, strengthen our personal and community relationships, and educate present and future generations to change course. We have to create spaces of connection that combine practice, reflection, and knowledge. We must foster immersive experiences where the connections between consumption and waste are evident, where there is transparency to how things are produced.

This is how in March 2021, five partners came together to build a space to create and share learnings to promote more transparent, participatory, and regenerative consumption and waste systems.